Is Sedation Dentistry Painful? Learn the Facts & Get Options


If you cringe with fear at the thought of visiting a dentist, it is most probably because you have a fear of pain. Do not worry, you are not the only one who feels this way! Most people who dread going to a dental clinic feel that dental treatments are painful, and so is sedation dentistry. If you are one of these people, then the chances are that you have already heard about sedation dentistry. If you haven’t, let us walk you through the procedure and its benefits right now. 

What Is Sedation Dentistry? 

Dental procedures can be very intricate and elaborate and require the utmost skill to be able to work on the delicate parts inside our mouth. It also requires the patient to be still while the procedure is in progress, like all other critical medical procedures. For this reason, the dentist at the dental clinic near you will prefer to use anesthetics or sedation techniques so that the patient stays calm and still while the dentist carries out the treatment.  

Is Sedation Dentistry Painful? 

The answer is - no, it is not painful. The main intention of administering anesthetics is to help the patient stay calm and comfortable during the entire procedure. A dentist who uses dental sedation near you will most likely use a combination of sedation and anesthetic to keep you relaxed and pain-free the entire duration of the treatment. Most people walk out of the clinic after their appointment feeling no discomfort at all.  

Therefore, there is no reason for you to fear dental sedation, especially after you find out the methods and options available to you.

Types Of Sedation Techniques Used By Dentists 

1. Inhalation sedation - This is a light form of sedation that uses nitrous oxide, aka, laughing gas to take some edge off. You will inhale the gas through a no-odour mask and within 2-3 minutes your body will experience complete relaxation, but you will not pass out. You will be conscious and aware of your surrounding, but just in a euphoric state. The local dentist in St. Albert that you visit, will control the amount of sedation you need to keep you relaxed all through the duration of your appointment. After that, you will be able to comfortably drive home yourself. 
This type of dental sedation is ideal for you if - 

  • You want the procedure to be fast. 
  • You experience some anxiety during dental appointments but do not require heavy sedatives. 
  • You have Alzheimer’s or Huntington’s disease. 
  • You have a severe gag reflex.

2. Oral sedation - This dental sedation is given in the form of a pill, most commonly Halcion, and the intensity can be controlled from minimal to moderate depending on the dosage. After taking this pill, you will feel relaxed and calm all through the appointment. There might be some drowsiness, slight amnesia or tingling sensations after the medication starts working, and you are advised to arrange for someone to drive you back from the dental clinic. 

This sedation method is ideal for you if -  

  • You have severe dental anxiety and fear dental clinics. 
  • You have a fear of needles. 
  • You have requested multiple dental procedures in one appointment and require a deeper and longer sedation. 

3. IV sedation - This is the deepest level of dental sedation that is administered through an IV to keep you comfortably unconscious during the entire dental procedure. It is an anesthetic that can be administered by a dentist certified in this sedation technique. Once the anesthetic takes effect, you will not have any sense of sight, sound, or feeling. 

You will require this dental sedation if - 

  • Your treatment requires extensive dentistry. 
  • You feel unwell before your appointment. 
  • You are experiencing deep anxiety over the procedure. 

Whichever sedation method your dentist might suggest for your particular situation, always remember that it is meant to make you comfortable and not anxious.  

As a dental clinic offering the most trusted options of dental sedation in St. Albert, Erin Ridge Dental is deeply vested in its patient’s well-being. 


  1. Great article covering the sedation techniques used by dentists. Good information will be sure to calm patient anxiety looking into sedation dentistry treatment. Have a wonderful rest of the day.
    Dentist Philadelphia


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