Benefits of MyoBrace Orthodontic Treatment

Myobrace is a type of orthodontic treatment that is designed to correct problems such as the function of our oral muscle and misalignment of our jaw and teeth. Your dental clinic in St. Albert is practicing this technique, along with other practitioners in over 100 countries.

The 6 Benefits of Myobrace Treatment in St. Albert

Myobrace treatment is intended to correct oral habits to ensure your child will have optimal jaw and dental alignment. The objective of this treatment is to identify the real cause of the dental problem(s) immediately. Once the problem(s) are determined at an early age, it guarantees the child will respond to the said treatment. Here are more benefits this type of treatment can offer your child.

1. Proven Effective

Parents and kids in at least 100 countries have experienced how effective the Myobrace treatment is. A fair share of research has been conducted to support its effectiveness and efficiency. It also offers the convenience that you can’t experience from other orthodontic treatments provided by your Dental Clinic in St Albert. For example, while visiting a Children’s Dentist Near You, your child won’t be asked to wear braces that can cause one to feel self-conscious about their appearance.

2. Straightens Your Teeth

Myobrace is a dental appliance that is utilized to correct harmful oral habits that have been associated with crooked teeth and a misaligned jaw. Light pressure will be exerted to help achieve aesthetically pleasing straight teeth. Patients who have undergone this orthodontic treatment have also reported that their breathing patterns have improved. The posture of their tongue, as well as their muscle function, has been dramatically enhanced also.

3. Easy to Maintain Oral Hygiene

Usually, for those who acquired metal braces, they will notice that their teeth shift back to their original places once the braces have been removed. In order to avoid this, they may be asked to wear permanent retainers. Both retainers and metal braces will make it challenging to maintain your Dental Hygiene. Fortunately, this is not the case once you opt for Myobrace treatment in St. Albert since it is removable. Therefore, maintaining impeccable oral hygiene is relatively easy. Once the device has been removed, you can brush your teeth regularly. You do not have to worry about accidentally damaging something. In addition, once the treatment is over, you will find it easier to maintain your oral health due to now having straight teeth.

4. Minimize Possible Damage to Your Teeth

Retainers and braces are not designed for everyone. There are instances when they may cause damage to our teeth. For example, older patients who receive this treatment will be highly exposed to dental problems and damage. To address this issue, Myobrace can minimize the possibility of acquiring issues during treatment. This is thanks to the soft but durable silicone materials that will not cause injury or pain to your gums.

5. Discreet Treatment

Most of us are worried about the effects that orthodontic treatment will have on our appearance. We are afraid that it will negatively affect the way we look and how others perceive us. If you want to avoid this, myobrace in St. Albert is the right treatment for you. Since you will only be required to wear the device at night and at least two hours per day, no one will notice that you are undergoing this treatment. Nonetheless, they will definitely see the improvement in your smile and appearance.

6. Prevention of Crooked Teeth

Myobrace is not only designed to correct crooked teeth, but it can also support individuals who want to avoid the development of crooked teeth. Orthodontists may recommend the use of this appliance if there is an underlying issue that needs to be addressed to prevent the misalignment of your teeth and jaw.

With all the numerous benefits that Myobrace treatment can offer, you are probably intrigued by the power of this appliance. Book An Appointment with your nearby dental clinic in St. Albert to learn more about this fantastic solution.


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